Tooth enamel is very different from bone; it’s far harder and more durable, but it has no living tissue and can’t regrow once lost. A natural process called remineralization can make up for little bits of enamel that are lost during the day, but for extensive damage due to decay or trauma, a dental restoration such as a filling or a crown will be needed. If you’ve been looking to fix your smile, schedule a consultation to discuss restorative dentistry in Carrollton, TX with Dr. Le today.
We can remove decay from your tooth, but something needs to be done about the enamel that has been lost. We can fill small to mid-size cavities with a tooth-colored composite resin. Unlike gold or metal amalgam, composite resin can be shaded so that it matches the color of the tooth, helping it blend in perfectly to restore your smile’s appearance in addition to reversing the damage that it has already suffered.
Learn More About Tooth-Colored Fillings
A filling isn’t always enough to hold a damaged tooth together; particularly severe dental injuries normally require a dental crown. We can make this type of restoration out of porcelain so that it closely imitates a natural tooth. These crowns are very durable, so you can expect one to last for about 5 to 15 years. Other materials can be used to make a crown as well, but we normally suggest all-ceramic or all-porcelain crowns for the aesthetic benefits.